Mario Mandala

f r o m J a p a n

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Only by having a questions, there are discoveries…

This world is always being updated by those new discoveries which did not exist yesterday. Mario thinks his personal world is rather small and what he could do is little. He doesn’t believe he could contribute to this world by discovering something new and useful. But what if he could expose his questions or give some questioning cues to others? He believes that is worth trying to strive with his art.

Mario says…

“Those people who come across with my images might be able to capture some kind of codes or something from them and develop questions in their minds by looking at those images. They might come up with some useful discoveries or ideas in their own minds as consequences - then that might mean I, indirectly, take a bit part of the new useful things just by exposing such absurd images onto those flat surfaces. I don’t know if anything makes any sense at all, but just tracing such images in my useless mind which always question what is this all about anyways?”

Mario Tauchi is a Japanese artist living & working in Tokyo.